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38 results based on your search


What Really Happens to Our Students?

Colleges and universities face seemingly constant scrutiny from external stakeholders questioning the value of a postsecondary education. Is this criticism warranted? Explore this infographic to learn more about the fate…

How does a four year degree become a six-and-a-half year degree?

It’s no secret that college costs a lot. One good way to help minimize the expense is to do everything in our power to shorten the total time it takes…
Partner Story

How VCU increased graduation candidates by 19%—in just one year

Learn how Virginia Commonwealth University used SSC's predictive analytics to retain an additional 65 students and $346,000 in tuition and fees revenue in Spring 2015.
Partner Story

Leveraging existing expertise at Bowling Green State University to rapidly secure campus-wide adoption and improve retention

BGSU created a strategic Peer Training Team charged with increasing SSC buy-in and competency among advisors. Within just three months, advisor logins increased by 150%, contributing to a corresponding 1.6%…

The false tradeoff between academic rigor and course pass rates

See four proven approaches to working with faculty and academic departments to redesign high-DFW courses while maintaining or even strengthening their academic rigor.
Research Report

Online Course Prioritization Guide

This guide is designed to help institutional leaders prioritize scarce resources devoted to online and hybrid course development toward the most promising available opportunities.
Research Report

Promoting Timely Degree Completion Study

Explore 16 best practices to strike a better balance between academic exploration and timely degree completion to help more students graduate in four years.

Why part-time student success may be the key to education equity

Our data shows that closing the achievement gap at community colleges may depend on how focused we are on success initiatives for part-time students. Learn three ways you can remove…

How to measure student success

Learn four steps to better measure the impact of student success initiatives through strategic design.
Student Success Blog