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Embrace your blind spots: Making independent school fundraising events more inclusive

In acknowledging where their ‘view is obstructed’, advancement teams can then start to take bold new steps to craft events that are mission-aligned and inclusive for all

Preparing for the ebb and flow of schools reopening and closing

For all districts, whether they begin this school year remotely or in-person, epidemiologists explain that resurgences in the virus’s spread are expected, which will likely result in school re-closings. Here…

How to spend CARES Act funding to support students with disabilities

The CARES Act promises more than 16 billion federal dollars to K-12 education. Districts should direct CARES Act resources to students with disabilities now to improve their learning outcomes and…

Diversity, equity and inclusion in independent schools: 3 imperatives for advancement teams

In the wake of the anti-black police violence our country experienced over the summer and increased demands for racial justice, many independent schools are looking inward at how their policies…
K-12 Blog

3 practices to honor teachers virtually during Teacher Appreciation Week 2020

The past couple of months have been incredibly difficult for school communities, here are some creative ways to honor teachers.

Achieve your district goals on a tight budget

Amid tightening budgets and declining enrollments, districts must manage funding costly school reopenings and frequent transitions between in-person, hybrid, and virtual learning.

Minimize summer learning loss through parent text messaging prompts

All students are at risk of summer slide over break. Learn how parent messaging proves successful in preventing significant learning loss.

Use your employment page to reach the candidates you really want

As you expand recruitment efforts, you should consider that for many candidates, your school’s employment page is their first interaction with the school. Discover how to ensure your employment page…

How to create a grading and assessment policy for distance learning

EAB conducted interviews with independent schools and school districts across the country to learn how administrators and teachers developed plans for grading and assessing distance learning.

Staying connected with students during COVID-19: practical guidance for teachers

As the COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools and led to a rapid transition to online classes, teachers have been working diligently to adapt lesson plans to support virtual learning. In…